The Art of Choosing a Proper Letterbox for Your Home

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How many mails do you get per month? Is the number low enough to make you feel like your mailbox is just sitting there, collecting all the dirt and getting entangled into a spider web? If this is the case, then perhaps you should consider buying a new letterbox, since the time has come for the old one to kick the bucket. 

What is even harder to believe is the fact that there is an entire science behind picking a new letterbox. Let us have a look at some of the most important things once should pay attention to before replacing his old letterbox.

Size Does Matter


When you have purchased the house, you received a small letterbox with it. It is made to accept only those standard, small envelops. If you are the kind of person who receives a lot of newspapers or magazine on a weekly basis, you should consider replacing the old letterbox with the new one, which is deeper and larger in size and in accordance with all other specifications. That way, none of your staff will drop on the ground if the letterbox gets full.

Choosing a Proper Style

If you have spent some time renovating the yard and the house and the old letterbox simply doesn’t fit the environment anymore, there are plenty to choose from, say the people who own and operate Robert Plumb. You can go for some classic ones made out of wood or painted in designated color, or can actually make one for yourself, if you have the tools for it and are creative enough. You can even go for one of these posh, designer letterboxes, which are trendy and have that futuristic look. Whichever you choose, it will stand out way better than the old one.

Blending It with a Door


If you are among those whose letterbox is attached to their front doors, then your options of getting a new one are quite limited since there are many factors which you might have to consider before getting a new letterbox. First of all, think about the thickness of your doors: the thicker the doors the fewer options you have on choosing a new letterbox, and vice versa. Therefore, it might even be smart to consider replacing the door and the letterbox with it. As a last resort, simply consider getting a new letterbox and placing it somewhere in the front yard. 

Mounting It on a Wall

Another great option is to mount the letterbox on your wall. If you have pets or small children who love to go through your mail and play with it, even chew and destroy it, then this option is the perfect choice for you. Not only will you increase the privacy of the letterbox, but you will also keep your mail safe and outside of your children’s reach. 

Making it Match


The most important thing about choosing a letterbox is to match it with your front door or your house style. If your main doors are sturdy black doors equipped with a brass knocker, the best kind to pair it with is the letter box. On the other hand, if your door and house are more modern, choose a sleek addition for your letterbox, such as clean plastic or stainless steel - both will fit perfectly.

As you can see, choosing a new letterbox can be a difficult task, but once you go through these factors over and over again, you will be ready to choose the right solution for your home.

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