Architectural Wonders: A House That can Change Room Orientation Based on the Weather

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This architectural wonder will surely amaze you like it did to us. This incredible building made by Next Office, a Tehran architecture studio that came up with a innovative design, that can change the bedrooms orientation based on the outside weather at the touch of a button.

The rooms can pivot up to 90 degrees either to face inward or outward depending upon the season. The house name is Sharifi-ha House and has three bedrooms on three floors. The interiors of the room also go through drastic changes upon being pivoted.

Iranian mansions that have summer and winter in two separate living rooms was the main inspiration for this cool project.

The action of swiveling is motorized, and is carried out by a motor just like the ones at your local car showroom. This makes the home capable of adapting to any weather.

A House That can Change Room Orientation Based on the Weather
House That can Change Room Orientation Based on the Weather
A House That can Change Room Orientation Based on the Weather
House That can Change Room Orientation Based on the Weather
A House That can Change Room Orientation Based on the Weather
House That can Change Room Orientation Based on the Weather Floor PLans

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