Guide on Designing an Easy to Clean Bathroom

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Having a good bathroom around the house is a really important part of home design, no matter how you look at it. If you need to have a great bathroom, said place will also need to be as easy to clean as it can be to ensure you won’t spend countless hours keeping it that way. So how can you do that?

Well for starters, you will need to make use of materials that are easy to clean for your bathroom to keep it functional and hygienic. The following examples will point out the basics of what needs to be done to make it a reality:

Bathroom Design

One really nice way of avoiding the excessive cleaning usually connected to bathrooms is to have less grout present around it. Stone slabs can be a good way to get that started, as they happen to have nothing but thin lines in the way they are made, meaning you will have far less domestic cleaning to deal with at the end of the week or month.

Bathroom Interior Design

Caesar stone happens to be another great material you can use for your countertops and the walls of the bathroom. It has qualities that allow it to work pretty well in terms of aesthetics and practicality.

Bathroom Arrangement

Vinyl walls are also one really good way to deal with bathroom surfaces, for they are waterproof and come in a variety of styles and patterns that go for a lot of flexibility you can use. The best thing is that you can easily clean them with a sponge or an equally simple solution as you go about your day.

Guide on Designing an Easy to Clean Bathroom

Another good solution that happens to be a tad unorthodox is to use back-painted glass for your walls. Even though it may not be quite as sturdy as the other solutions, it still has a lot of positives. You can have many color combinations and it happens to be a breeze in terms of cleaning.

Certain areas around your walls will not need to be tiled, but they do need to be painted with moisture-resisting paint to ensure mold and mildew will not catch on easily. Always ensure proper ventilation and a dehumidifier if you believe it is necessary.

You would also do well to find a nice, silent fan for ventilation that has a timer. This will allow you to both save money and power, while at the same time making it quiet enough to work with. This will ensure you have a bathroom that will dry fast with no side effects.

Interior Design Bathroom

You should also make sure you use larger porcelain tiles in different sizes, as the larger the tiles are, the less cleaning of grout you will need to deal with. Another benefit is that they will be much faster to lay down when you do a renovation of your current bathroom.

Another thing worth mentioning is that the use of a linear drain will allow you to get a good slope going. This should keep your floor dry when you’re done bathing or washing the bathroom during your regular cleaning efforts.

This is a guest post by Heather Roberts.

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