Smart homes – the good and the bad

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This is a guest post by James Burbank.

We are living in the age of technology and every day, we are seeing new ways in which technology seeps into our lives.
When we are talking about our homes, we are constantly introduced to new solutions that are supposed to make our lives simpler and more enjoyable.

Over the last decade or so, we have been exposed to the concept of smart homes that employ all kinds of technology and which many people believe are the future. But, are they really?

Are smart homes something that will become the standard in the future? In order to answer this question, we need to look at various characteristics of such homes.

Smart Home

The good

It goes without saying that smart homes have a lot of good things going for them and we will be looking at some of them here.

Preservation of resources

One of the main reasons experts believe that smart homes are the way of the future is the way in which these homes use energy, water and other resources that will only become more limited and expensive in the future. Most smart homes have electricity-consuming devices installed, as well as various systems that ensure not a single watt is wasted. The same is true for water which is often recycled and which can also be monitored through comprehensive systems that ensure minimal waste. 

Home security

Another aspect in which smart homes definitely show their strength is when we are talking about home security. It does not matter what kinds of home security systems you have installed in your home, a proper smart home will provide much more security. According to experts from a Sydney-based locksmith and security firm, this is due to the integration of all the security systems that is in place in smart homes. Because of this, smart homes offer a smaller number of vulnerable points and they are harder to break into.


When it comes to entertainment, smart homes really take home the gold. In most smart homes, you will find incredible, integrated entertainment systems that will be able to satisfy everyone's needs when it comes to music, movies and anything else that you might consider entertainment. Once again, we are talking about mostly voice-activated systems which make the entertainment even more entertaining. 

Smart Home

The Bad

Unfortunately, not everything is perfect when smart homes are in question and there are some bad points to them that might influence their future.


The first of these is definitely the cost. When compared to regular, "stupid" homes, smart homes are much, much more expensive. Some experts claim that their energy-efficient nature ensures they will pay off for themselves down the road, but this still means very little to people with limited means. In short, they are still very expensive and they will need to become much more affordable before they become the standard.

Unnecessary distractions

Another big problem that smart homes have, but which can easily be avoided, is that they become a distraction in their own. When you have five home appliances, all sending messages to you and letting you know that your heart-shaped ice cubes are done (for instance) it can all become a bit too much and start annoying you. With the Internet of Things becoming a thing, it feels that this will only become more pronounced. Fortunately, we will strike some balance in the future when it comes to smart homes being too distracting.

Smart Home
In conclusion

There is definitely something to look forward when smart homes are in question. They offer a lot and they truly have the potential to become a thing of the future. Of course, they still require refinement and what is perhaps most important, they need to become cheaper. 

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