Outstanding Design Solutions for Your Kitchen

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Kitchens are not just cooking equipment and cutlery storage; they are need to be much more than that. 
The time regularly spent in them simply demands it, if perhaps personal aesthetics do not. Interior designers acknowledged this decades ago and kitchen design solutions keep improving and bringing something new and original throughout the time intriguing and somewhat surprising the users with design solutions time and time again. 

Let us discuss some of the most outstanding ones currently available and increasingly sought after.

Storage Galore


As it was mentioned before, storage is an important feature of any proper kitchen and there needs to be plenty of it if you wish your kitchen to be fully functional. Floor to ceiling solutions are increasingly popular these days. Bottom shelves are reserved for pots and pans while everything else can find its place in the upper section. Storing all kitchen appliances within cabinets will make the kitchen look significantly more organized and ample and leave the countertop clutter free.

Ample Lighting


Kitchen is a place of action and the setting needs to be well lit. Having as much natural light as possible is always recommended. However, kitchen use does not have working hours and to make it fully functional, optimal artificial lighting solutions need to be provided. Central fixtures are less preferable since kitchen furniture specifics would create a lot of shadows. Wall mounted lights, led strips underneath the elements and countertop dedicated light source make every kitchen presentable, efficient and even unique in appearance.

Invisible Vacuuming


Vacuuming is probably the second most frequent kitchen activity, right next to cooking and washing up. There probably is not a person in the world who does hate getting entangled in the power cable every time a vacuum cleaner is used. To forget about this hassle completely, go for the installed vacuuming system in the kitchen kickboard. All you need to do is turn it on when needed and sweep the dirt towards it. With no cables to get in your way, your vacuuming action is done in a matter of minutes.

The Ground You Walk on


Kitchen floors usually do not get the attention they deserve in the overall design idea. Linoleum floors, being practical and convenient are most frequently used. Thou they are practical, there are far better aesthetical solutions without jeopardizing any functionality.  Marble or stone walls will make a world of difference aesthetically and provide a sense of luxury as well. In a recent conversation with the people who own and operate Dial Up Plumbing, it was brought to my attention that floor changing is a great opportunity to check the plumbing that runs underneath is, so make sure you do.

Corner use


Kitchen corners are often neglected spaces and they are usually left empty and unused. This can easily completely change, turning them into a somewhat center of attention. Carousel shelves often seen only at stores are a perfect corner solution, both aesthetically and functionally since they fit into any style design and immensely save space. Corner sinks are another way of making good use of corner space. The variety of designs available makes them easily applicable to any style preference.

Giving your kitchen the attention it deserves will turn it into both functional and eye catching space making the time spent there more inspiring and efficient. The very essence and true purpose of any kitchen, everyone will agree.   

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